Sunday 20 February 2022

Henri Lloyd Consort

 Suitable for the sea, Sardinian sandwich shops and soccer stands of Sheffield.

Henri Lloyd RWR is one of Mr Strzelecki’s signature pieces in the late 60s, and over the years has become an iconic piece of jacketry.

This version was updated in part  by Best Company designer Olmes Carretti, comes in bright blue and green so to be seen...

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Shaun Leckenby Design x OTS

 Shaun Leckenby's design work for this blog's cult favourite OneTrueSaxon. It's perhaps not as iconic as Ewen Brown's art (which I once posted about once upon a time here ) for said brand, however there's some cool bits and pieces here...

Henri Lloyd Consort

 Suitable for the sea, Sardinian sandwich shops and soccer stands of Sheffield. Henri Lloyd RWR is one of Mr Strzelecki’s signature pieces i...