Monday 11 July 2011

English Defence League Morons.

Marching in the Boro Saturday gone. Was working in Darlington on said day and we were on alert incase the far right numpties were out and about in Quakerville.

I totally agree. So fuck off.
But it's not their fault. They're just fucking idiots drip fed on right wing media xenophobic views. Going all socialist here but I can almost understand them doing their petty marches in places like Burnley, where you have a major ethnic population and extremists on both sides stirring up racial bigotry and hatred. But in Middlesbrough? Howay man. Fair enough it has it's share of ethnics as any major urban area, but a rather small one in proportion to say Leeds or Liverpool. And these guys are scapgoated pure and simple, and the powers that be allow it because it suits them.

Free speech is bandied around as the reason EDL/NF/BNP arseholes get their collective voice and terrorise city centres when they get together, have a few jars and sing 'I'd rather be a paki than a Turk' (possibly). I'm sorry but any government could put a stop to it but they won't. And it's easy for places like London or Birmingham to scapegoat the ethnic population, however when you're from the north east you can see past it all.

Why? We're from the area of the country with the least amount of ethnic minorites. Also it's the most deprived and deprovated aswell. And we're supposed to blame the blacks and Asians for this are we? Nice try but bollocks. Any problems in this country can be traced back to years and years of government (Red and blue) neglect. So they're happy to let scum like this shout their mouthes off because by blaming ethnics, and having the press sensationalize it, it takes the attention off the powers at be.

Rant over.

They're usually smartly dressed though. They're a shit energy provider as well.

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