Friday 19 August 2011

Clarks Ashcott & RL (Recent Purchases)

Pretty pleased with these pair of Clarky's Ashcott for the sale price of £34 and free p&p. Quality sings through all round - even before you get into them what with it's solid box, booklet and many layers of wrap. Easy simple design with clean lines and shape, comfiest things I've ever had on my trotters with their signature crepe sole - it's like strolling on white fluffy marshmellow clouds. Clarks do things properly and these shoes are the dogs for the price. Absolute steal.

Next up yet another canny TK bargain. A plain cotton weave sweater by Ralph Lauren and although I'm not a fan of white jumpers this was too good to pass up - hidden away in a dark corner of the store in clearance and mine for the low low price of five english pounds. Bloody hell. How it had been missed by many I'll never know but I know I'm happy about it.

Finally is another cheap pick up from said store, again for a similar fee in their final clearance. Brand shall remain nameless as it's certainly not one I'd ever wear (although some who don't know better live in it thinking it's Funky Cool Understated and Klassic), but for the price and the desert booty style I thought they'd be better inside the tent pissing out than the other way round.

1 comment:

Henri Lloyd Consort

 Suitable for the sea, Sardinian sandwich shops and soccer stands of Sheffield. Henri Lloyd RWR is one of Mr Strzelecki’s signature pieces i...