Monday 5 September 2011

Autumn Approach

It's September. Technically it's still summer, but bollocks to that - the nights are drawing in, the clouds are gathering and there'll be games under the lights. That means only one thing, that everyone's favourite time of the year for gear is approaching. Autumn/winter.

And if you've got a minute I'd like to share with you my approach for the upcoming months. Nothing outlandish or out of the ordinary, just my simple thoughts for keeping it simple but dressing smarts...

 - Plain Knits
Discreet is always the name of the game with me, so it'll be CP, M&S or Ralph Lauren with an invisible horse for me. Said it before and I'll say it again, nothing, absolutely nothing (no matter what the price) beats a Blue Harbour Lambswool jumper. Perfect staple for any chaps wardrobe, looks the business over any shirt and under any jacket. Looking to add a 'rust' coloured one before the season is out.

- Unchecked Scarves
Checked scarves are all over the joint. They have been for a long time, and like most I have a good handful from various sources. Nowt wrong with that. However I'm going to opt for plain solid colours. A nice classy look for dressing down and staying warm. This pleasant blue one is, again, from M&S.

- Uniqlo gear
Heard a few rumbles of joy regarding this Japanese company on forums. Decided to check it out and got a s/s shirt in sale. Not too bad at all, sizing and fit better than expected. May look into investing in a few more bits, particularly a flannel shirts and possibly a pair of selvedge, which seem to be every wear in the 'what are you wearing today' threads...

- Charity Shop dye Jobs
The country has hit recession again. So why not explore your local town's charity shops for a hidden gem? Picked up this early 90s Stone Island sweatshirt (with its luscious green rim patch) from one of the many establishments on Durham's North Road for the low price of £2.99. Admittedly got this well over a year ago and after having a sort out rediscovered it, and now it's at the forefront of my mind to get some Navy Dylon, do it over and get some wear from it. Remember charity rack rooters, styles and price (and indeed brands) vary.

- A Visit to the Barbour
Enjoy wearing North East labels. So I'll have to make time to visit South Shield's flagship factory store for a bit of Barbour. Shirts £19 each, knits 3 for £50, jackets starting from £49. Not been in over a year - inexcusable. Will have to make the short journey at some point. Talking of North East brands, would like to get another vintage Berghaus Aquafoil in from fleabay at some point.

- Madras and Brushed
Got that RL Madras check a bit ago. Needs to get itself off the hanger and on my shoulders. Nice autumn colours, excellent for any coloured knit. Plus that brushed cotton BH shirt I invested in will get its wear - nowt better than a  bit of brushed to help keep the North sea chill off your kidneys at the Vic.

- Go for the Brown
Yes your grandad wears nowt but that choice of shade, but once the leaves start changing get yourself blended in with plenty of brown. At least for the first couple of weeks of autumn before you get sick of it.

-Vintage Trotters
It's generally agreed that trainers are dead duck, thanks to the somewhat appalling re-issues that are churned out almost fortnightly from far east sweat shops. And to quote Partridge, who likes a dead duck? No one, not even its mother. It just flies off depressed. So move away from the kicks and invest in some retro shoes. A nice pair of Duffer Yogi will fit the bill nicely...

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